Adult Cosplay Judges
Monica Gonzales
Founder, Editor, Blogger at Geeks A Gogo
James Wulfgar
C.E.O & Founder at Wulfgar Weapons & Props
Chris English
Cosplayer, Prop Maker member of Cosawesome Studios
Teen Cosplay Judges
Jenny Prado
Graphic Designer, Artist and Singer, Member of Costumers with a Cause
Adam Watney
Scoundrel at Watney Props and Builder at Wulfgar Weapons & Props
Lisa Anderson Kleckner
Lady Dragon Creations

All-New Ghost Rider, All-New Wolverine, Deadpool Corps, Penciller / Inker
Plastic Man, Toxic Crusaders, Tales of the TMNT,
Writer / Penciller / Inker

All-New Ghost Rider, All-New Wolverine, Deadpool Corps, Penciller / Inker
Plastic Man, Toxic Crusaders, Tales of the TMNT,
Writer / Penciller / Inker

Cosplay is NOT Consent
At the NWI Comic-Con we cater to Cosplayers and we want everyone to know that not only are we a family friendly event but we also have strict no harassment policy.
“Cosplay is NOT Consent” The act of wearing a costume or Cosplay does not grant license for anybody to make inappropriate or suggestive comments, gestures, or unwanted physical contact with costumed attendees. Harassment and Assault is not tolerated at the NWI Comic-Con (NWICC)
“No” means no. “Stop” means stop. “Go away” means go away.
If someone is harassing you and cannot understand these simple rules, please contact any member of the NWICC staff. Harassment is any behavior that intentionally annoys or alarms another person. Unintentional or misinterpreted behaviors may also cause feelings of harassment. This includes unwanted physical or verbal contact, following someone in a public area without a legitimate reason, or threatening physical violence.
Offenders will be asked to leave and the matter may be referred to the proper law enforcement authorities as we do have Schererville Police officers on site in case any criminal actions need to be pursued.
If you are being harassed, we strongly encourage you to immediately contact any NWICC staff member.

12:00 PM | Brian Grabinski
Welcome to the 2019 NWI Comic-Con
1:00 PM | Childrens Cosplay Parade
2:00 PM | Teen Cosplay
Group and Individual Competition
3:00 PM | Adult Cosplay
Group and Individual Competition
4:30 PM | Cosplay Competition Award Ceremony